"never doubt that a small group of thoughful, committed citizens can change the world.
indeed, it's only thing that ever has."
we exist because
we want to bring clients into direct contact with the highest quality creative talent possible / we want to cut out unnecessary layers of management to create a process that is collaborative, inspiring, enjoyable, quick and cost efficient / we believe the biggest, most powerful ideas today need to communicate through a multitude of ‘conversation points’ / we know other agencies either can’t, or struggle to assemble the talent to provide this service.
we are
steve dunn, one of advertising’s most awarded and experienced creative directors, established the assembly to bring together other creative director level talent from across a wealth of creative industries / every team is assembled around your specific needs and budget / from tiny to titanic; from local to global.
we believe
that great ideas spring from the truth of a brand represented in an unexpected way / a great idea stimulates curiosity in people / curiosity piques our interest and that is when we engage / for brands with smaller budgets it is vital to create ideas that spike curiosity / whether by a proxy experience of parkinson’s, provoking business leaders with better questions for ey or promising objects you’ll love forever at heal’s, the assembly creates work that will make your audience curious about you.
we hope that makes you curious about us.